$220.00 AUD

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The Beyond Creative Block Workshop | Playment Plan

🔓 Get ready to break free from creative block and embrace daily creativity like never before. This workshop is your comprehensive guide to overcoming obstacles, finding inspiration, and cultivating a daily creative practice.

What you'll get:

💡 Nine Weekly Modules packed with expert insights and actionable strategies (valued at $499)

💡 Engaging workbooks with easy-to-apply worksheet activities to supercharge your progress (valued at $367)

💡 Bonus introductory module and workbook to kickstart your creative journey

💡 Access to 44 accompanying videos, providing in-depth explanations for every module and lesson
💡 Connect with like-minded creatives in our exclusive Facebook Group (valued at $149)

💡 Downloadable Slides for quick reference and on-the-go inspiration (valued at $199)

Don't let creative block hold you back any longer. Join the Beyond Creative Block Workshop now and find your way back to daily creativity. Discover the joy of consistent creative expression and watch your skills and confidence soar.